Smelling the Patchouli for the first time, you never thought that this component is extracted from a green leaf. Nor its name or its earthy wooden aroma exposes its source. Therefore, the closest description for it would be, “the mysterious elegant component”.

Patchouli is a species from the short figure mint family. It grows in warm Asian tropical climates. Patchouli grows in the shade of tall trees in forests where warm environment found and away from direct sunlight such as in Indonesia, Malaysia, and India.
The green leaves of Patchouli are harvested multiple times a year, after that it goes under the process of drying and distillation of leaves to extract a woody essential oil with a fine texture that is widely used in making most perfumes.
The smell of Patchouli might not be differentiated in the perfume you are wearing, but there is a big probability that it has a few drops in it. Patchouli is fascinating in combining all parts of perfume together and it adds a beautiful spirit to perfumes.
Famous perfumes that Patchouli takes the lead in are:
Velvet Patchouli by D&G
COCO Mademoiselle by Chanel
White Patchouli by Tom Ford
Patchouli Imperial by Dior
Patchouli at Nota Nota
Patchouli at Nota Nota is a rich component. It carries a luxurious character with its special earthy aroma. It can be used as a perfume stabilizer and as a collector of all its parts by adding a drop or two, that is if the nota is refreshing and fruity, or daily and light. On the other hand, if the Nota has an elegant wooden or rich eastern composition, then 4-5 drops can be added to it.

We recommend using the Patchouli tola with:
Vanilla: Patchouli and Vanilla dance together in a fascinating way.
Oud: Patchouli adds a beautiful earthy dimension to the Oud.
Berry: Patchouli adores fruits, both form a refreshing yet a luxurious aroma at the same time.