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Aromatic pyramid

Nota Nota Team

Have you ever been at a perfume store where you tried something and moments later the aroma has changed?

The scent of perfume goes over several phases that phase out gradually and harmonically. Some notes dominate initially, and over the time others appear! Fragrance pyramid or perfume pyramid is a conceptual classification that consists of the Head (first fifteen minutes), the heart (the following four hours), and the base, which is the distinguished tone that remains for the rest of the day!

The aromatic difference over time is due to the volatile properties of the components. Some quickly volatile, while others are slow. The peak components have quick volatility, so it dominates the peak due to its light molecules. The heart components are less volatile but not as the base components where it stays for the rest of the day.

There is an inverse proportionality between the stability of perfume and its spread! Either a perfume is stable but has a low-range spread or vice versa. An engineered perfume is a mixture of components with opposing effects to tell complete aromatic story. Citrus fruits are the famous components of the peak! While the heart components are found in flowers, roses, and spices. The base components are generally from wood and animal-based components.

The aromatic journey described by the Fragrance pyramid is analogous to mixing colors. Yellow is a result of mixing green and red! Similarly, the case with the Fragrance pyramid, it is a description of the perfume journey that results in mixing different components. Usually, the pyramid does not represent the basic components but, instead, it represents the resultant mixture. In other words, the scent’s component is not necessarily part of the mixture.

Citrus fruits are the most famous of the top oils, and roses, flowers and spices are the most famous heart oils, while wood and animal materials form the base oils.

Now take the Kilian Gold-Knight fragrance that opens the fragrance of anise and bergamot, then the fragrance of honey and vanilla, and the patchouli is unique in the fragrance base.

The aromatic journey described by the aromatic triangle is similar to the colors, where the yellow color we see is a combination of red and green colors, as is the case with the aromatic triangle. It is a description of the fragrance journey. The fragrance of the ingredients is not required as raw oils in the perfume, Two different oils were mixed into the smell of a new substance that is not present as aromatic oil.


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